A multisensory environment can be a highly effective part of the rehabilitation process of prison inmates. Upbringing, environment, family, parenting, schooling? We will never really know the full impact these have on our citizens. Yet, often we see the impact that neglect of basic sensory and physical needs has on the nervous system. The result is almost always malbehavior. Time spent amongst controlled sound, lighting, and sensations can create an inner peace that perhaps some have never known. Using bubble tubes, fiber optic lighting, and sensory furniture can create a space in your facility to enhance rehabilitation. Time and time again we witness the effects of multisensory stimulation on well-being.
Please note: Many of our products require qualified supervision during use, and not all products are appropriate for all prison facilities. Please contact us in advance of ordering if you have any questions.
Some great tools for your Prison Facility:
We offerFREE Room DesignService. If you need assistance with designing a sensory space at your facility, just reach out to us. With the help from our expert sensory advisors we can help you create the perfect environment for your particular needs.
We are here to assist you!
Just give us a call at 1-800-882-4045 or email [email protected]